Saturday, June 30, 2012

How Movie Executives Aid in the Movie Making Process

One of the largest segments of the entertainment industry is the movie business. Box office receipts for movies reach well into the billions of dollars each year, and this money is divided among all the thousands of films that get made. To actually see a movie through from conception to completion is a truly Herculean task, and the amount of work and organization involved is impossible to understand unless you have made one. There are literally hundreds of different jobs involved in making a movie, and all of them are important to get the job done. If there is one job that must be done right in every aspect in order for a movie to work, it is the job of movie executive. See the Ryan Kavanaugh May Make Believers out of Hollywood Yet. In order to better understand how important a movie executive is to making a successful movie, we'll take a closer look at the job description.

The most important job of a movie executive is to actually find the money to make a film. Considering the size of the crew necessary, the equipment needed, and the cost to edit and produce the film, there is little way for anyone to generally fund a film independently. The movie executive will be someone who either knows someone at the production company who can provide the money, or they may just have the right connections to collect the necessary funding from a wide variety of sources. Much of an executive's time is spent wooing possible funding sources for films.

Since the movie executive holds the metaphorical purse strings, she is often responsible for some of the resulting look of the film and how it comes about. Check out the Math to Make Movies. The movie's director will be in charge of most of the day-to-day decisions, of course; this is her main job.

However, if a movie executive sees that a particular direction of the movie will end up costing too much money or will hurt overall sales, they may provide input into correcting this direction. Because a movie executive will have worked in the industry for years, she'll have a wide range of experience on which to draw to determine what kind of a look will achieve the best results. Due to this level of experience, a good movie executive will know exactly which kinds of changes to make to the direction, the editing, and the script in order to maximize box office success.

Once a film is completed, the movie executive will then turn her attention to promoting the movie. Look at the Pictures of Ryan Kavanaugh. This involves utilizing all promotional avenues: posters, commercials, visits from the actors, and other related strategies.

Steps to Realizing Your Dream of Being a Film Executive

Film executive careers are among the most sought after positions in Hollywood, and if your hard work pays off, it can be a very lucrative job. Production companies and studios are run by these powerful individuals. This can be a highly stressful job, as executives are responsible for getting movies made as inexpensively as possibly, act as figureheads for their companies and are largely responsible for the company's success or failure. Chasing a film executive job title is already a hard road, but the industry has experienced very profound changes over the years, making it even more challenging to secure such a lucrative position. It is important to know that most of today's successful executives worked their way up through the film industry, building contacts and proving their worth. See the R. Kavanaugh Movies and Biography. While changes in the industry will make it difficult, if your true passion is to become a movie executive, there are early steps you can take to get the ball rolling.

A major in film is a great way to learn all the basics of the movie industry and can be an important stepping stone, allowing you to gain knowledge. College is a good route, but you can also get a job as a production assistant. This position will allow you to gain on-set experience which will prove very valuable as you build your career. Production assistants may do a lot of grunt-work, but they also get the experience of witnessing how film-making works, and how sets operate, which is more knowledge than you would ever be able to acquire in the classroom.

As an aspiring film executive, one must know all about the film industry and how movies are created from top to bottom. Gaining access to studio development offices will provide a totally different insight, especially if you can get work as a script reader. The job of a script reader can be very demanding and entails reading through thousands of scripts in search of first-rate writing and fresh ideas, and recommending those scripts to your managing producer. Check out the Credits at This experience is unmatched because it allows you to work in conjunction with producers and learn more about what it takes to develop a well-written script, and how that script is transformed into a great movie.

While you are gaining experience, it is important to tell people that your ultimate goal is to become an executive in the industry. It is important to let people know your goals so that they can help you learn all you need to in order to progress in the industry. If you're able to gain footing in the development area, you could be well on your way to proving to executives and other higher-ups that you're capable of choosing high-caliber projects, and possibly becoming a top executive yourself.

You must be able to prove that you possess sound decision-making skills in choosing which projects you think will be successful. If you are talented enough to discover the next blockbuster or breakout indie film, you will be rewarded with more work and eventually begin overseeing your own projects.

An ideal film executive possesses knowledge of all areas of filmmaking, including legal concerns, film techniques and marketing campaigns, in addition to being innovative and forward-thinking. Look at the Math to Make Movies. Though the industry has undergone significant changes that may affect your plans to become a movie executive, it is still possible to have a very successful career in the film industry.

Behind the Scenes: Movie Executives

Summer is here and the time for big Hollywood blockbusters has arrived. Going to the movies is an activity that everyone enjoys, no matter their age or gender. It's a simple task to sit down in a theater, relax, and watch a romantic comedy, action hero thriller or horror flick. A lot of work went into putting that movie together. See the Pictures of Ryan Kavanaugh. Just wait around after the movie is over to see the credits and how many people worked on the film.

It's not only just actors memorizing a script and getting before a camera. There are less obvious contributors. A few of these workers are grips, who handle light equipment, and make-up artists, who prepare the actors' skin for the camera. There are many more people who contribute to a film, and each crew varies.

One role that a movie always needs is executives. One such executive is the executive producer. The first thin an executive producer must do to take control of the movie is to get the rights. Then the executive producer must find people who want to invest in the movie and fund it. That may be all the producer does. The producer hopes to get a return on the movie if it turns a profit.

Another executive position in the movie industry is the executive director. What would a movie be without one guiding vision? The director is in charge of the acting, the script, the cameras - pretty much everything. Check out the Movies. There are many famous movie directors around the world and each can be identified by a unique style. Sometimes a director may have a gritty style or a certain brand of humor. Every final decision is really up to the executive director.

In the movie industry, the topic of workers who make movies happen couldn't be complete without discussion of another type of executive. There are so many business executives who make Hollywood what it is. From marketing the movie to working out contracts, these executives do a lot for the film industry. Movies that are shown in theaters have all been involved in business deals to get there. There are also many licensing opportunities for toys, food, books and clothing that are handled by marketing executives. There are also opportunities for traditional marketing tactics like billboards or commercials on radio or television.

There are so many different aspects of the movie industry it is hard to figure out just exactly everyone who has helped make it happen. Look at the Kavanaugh Next time you see a movie you will know just how much hard work went in to making it happen.

The Importance of the Executives in Filmmaking

For every film that gets made, there are always an incredible amount of jobs and people that play important roles in the process. Besides directors, cinematographers, grips, and set designers, without the work of the film executives, most movies will never get made. Because the film industry is still a business, and an extremely lucrative one, there must always be capable executives for any film project to succeed in the market. See the Math to Make Movies. Therefore, every successful studio or production company must have a strong corps of executives to oversee the many business tasks that are so crucial to filmmaking.

In the majority of cases, the executive setup of a film studio or production company will basically be the same as those of other types of companies. Like other companies, there is the chief executive officer, the chief financial officer, and chief operating officer, and other important positions, like various vice presidents, beneath them. Though one would not expect it, a film executive does not necessarily need to know anything at all about the filmmaking process. This is because a film's executives are primarily concerned with maintaining a film's financing and ensuring its resulting profits.

One of the most important film executive roles is that of the executive producer. Once a film is given financial backing, the various business aspects of the film's day to day production must be overseen by the executive producer, who may also be among the financiers. By making sure a film gets completed on schedule and within its allowed budget, the executive producer functions as the main protector of the studio's investment. Check out the Pictures of Ryan Kavanaugh. Within this, an executive producer has to work along with the film's director to keep the production process operating smoothly, most especially when unexpected circumstances arise to slow or halt production. Along the same lines, the executive producer has to keep any creative changes and developments from going too far from the scope of the project as it was originally approved.

Very often, a film will have more than one executive producer among the list of other executives. More and more there have been a number of movie directors simultaneously take on various executive roles for their film projects. Really, anyone with enough money, resources, and connections can become a film executive. Still, by gaining a good understanding of the positions of directors, actors, and other crew members, an executive should have a better grasp of how a particular film needs to be managed.

There are many reasons why someone may be motivated to become a film executive. Obviously, film executives get paid very well, but many just simply enjoy being an integral part of some creative process, especially when they have limited facility for creation themselves. Look at the Credits at There are countless numbers of resources available on the internet that will provide more information about the filmmaking process and the essential role that executives play in it.

The Jobs of Movie Executives

Reflect on all of the times you go to the movie theaters, the times you have gone in your lifetime are probably countless. There are many people who are doing important jobs in the film industry. The next time you go see a movie in the theatres, check out the names in the opening credits. Check out the people whose names fill the jobs of producers and executive producers. These people are a big deal when it comes to the making of a movie; they are investors that create the film and have the money to put it together easier. See the Kavanaugh Sometimes there are many people involved in the producing process.

The rights to the property, like the play or novel that the movie is based on, is given to the executive producer during the planning stage of the film. The executive producer also usually is the only one who has the job of finding and acquiring investors. For the day to day activities the executive producer will hire a line producer.

The only people involved in the pre-production happenings of the film is the casting director and the executive producer. Not long after that the costume designer is added to the team. The costume designer chooses fabrics, colors, and sizes for all the costumes; once the decisions are made, the costume designer makes the clothes.

Once the director is found, the director will be the one in charge of everything related to filming the movie. The director is responsible for the film's look as well as the actor's performance. Check out his Biography. Much of what you get out of a movie is thanks to the work of the director.

The style of one director will vary widely from the style of another director. Improvisation is one way a director can make their movies match their style. Other directors choose to write out directions that must be followed by everyone exactly as they are written. Some directors are also the writers and producers of the film. Some directors choose to work in pairs; one will usually work as a cinematographer while the other does a lot of producing. Many films out there today are directed by the main actor as well. The role of the director is endless; there are sometimes directors who create their own musical scores, while other directors choose to make only cameo appearances in the film.

As you can see, there are many people who have extremely important executive roles in the making of a film. Look at the Ryan Kavanaugh May Make Believers out of Hollywood Yet. When it comes to making or breaking a film, the responsibility of the films integrity falls on these executives.