Saturday, June 30, 2012

Behind the Scenes: Movie Executives

Summer is here and the time for big Hollywood blockbusters has arrived. Going to the movies is an activity that everyone enjoys, no matter their age or gender. It's a simple task to sit down in a theater, relax, and watch a romantic comedy, action hero thriller or horror flick. A lot of work went into putting that movie together. See the Pictures of Ryan Kavanaugh. Just wait around after the movie is over to see the credits and how many people worked on the film.

It's not only just actors memorizing a script and getting before a camera. There are less obvious contributors. A few of these workers are grips, who handle light equipment, and make-up artists, who prepare the actors' skin for the camera. There are many more people who contribute to a film, and each crew varies.

One role that a movie always needs is executives. One such executive is the executive producer. The first thin an executive producer must do to take control of the movie is to get the rights. Then the executive producer must find people who want to invest in the movie and fund it. That may be all the producer does. The producer hopes to get a return on the movie if it turns a profit.

Another executive position in the movie industry is the executive director. What would a movie be without one guiding vision? The director is in charge of the acting, the script, the cameras - pretty much everything. Check out the Movies. There are many famous movie directors around the world and each can be identified by a unique style. Sometimes a director may have a gritty style or a certain brand of humor. Every final decision is really up to the executive director.

In the movie industry, the topic of workers who make movies happen couldn't be complete without discussion of another type of executive. There are so many business executives who make Hollywood what it is. From marketing the movie to working out contracts, these executives do a lot for the film industry. Movies that are shown in theaters have all been involved in business deals to get there. There are also many licensing opportunities for toys, food, books and clothing that are handled by marketing executives. There are also opportunities for traditional marketing tactics like billboards or commercials on radio or television.

There are so many different aspects of the movie industry it is hard to figure out just exactly everyone who has helped make it happen. Look at the Kavanaugh Next time you see a movie you will know just how much hard work went in to making it happen.

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